Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello 2011

2011 is finally here. It's quite exciting. Everybody can start off fresh. I kind of like that. 2010 wasn't all that great of a year in my opinion, although there were a handful of good times. I saw LMFAO in concert, which was probably a highlight of my life. I met a lot of great people. I discovered so much great music. The Aaron Smith Love Stoned promoting was definitely a plus. So I can't say everything about 201o sucked.

2011 started off great, in my opinion. LMFAO released their new single "Party Rock Anthem" on Ney Years Eve. Great song! I spent the day with family, like the other 364 days of the year, but I'm not complaining.

There are a few things I'm pretty excited about.
  • Jersey Shore :Season 3 (on MTV, Thursday, January 6th)
  • LMFAO's new album "Sorry For Party Rocking" is coming out sometime soon
  • Bamboozle Festival (April 29th-May 1, my attendance isn't confirmed yet)
  • and a LOT more........
As for any New Year Resolutions, I'm not sure. I'll just continue being a vegetarian, oh and chill with my friends more often for sure. I'll do A LOT more promoting and work on my art. I can't wait to see what 2011 has to offer.


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